
Office No.104, Sahakar Niwas, Plot No.160/161, Rd no.2, Jawahar Nagar, Goregaon(West), Mumbai-400062


Transfer Switches | Best switches at affordable price in India

Transfer switches for seamless transfer of power sources in the home, data center and other critical applications.
Rack Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a high-availability switch that provides redundant power to connected equipment and has two input power cords, one for each AC line. The Rack ATS supplies power to the connected load from a primary AC source.
When the primary AC source fails, the Rack ATS transfers power to the secondary AC source. The switch monitors both the primary and secondary AC sources and automatically switches to the secondary source if the primary source fails. The Rack ATS is available in models with 15, 20, and 30 A capacities.
Rack Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a high-availability switch that provides redundant power to connected equipment and has two input power cords, one for each AC line. The Rack ATS supplies power to the connected load from a primary AC source.

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APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switches (rack ATS) provide reliable, redundant rack mount power to single-corded equipment. The rack ATS has dual input power cords supplying power to the connected load. If the primary power source becomes unavailable, the rack ATS will seamlessly source power from the secondary source without interrupting critical loads. The Rack ATS has built-in network connectivity, which allows for remote management via Web, SNMP, or Telnet interfaces. Rack-mount Transfer Switches Download Catalogue Add to Cart

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